Diet-to-Go Blog
  1. iPhone App Review - Lose It!

    Cost: Free

    Mobile Platform: iPhone

    Category: Healthcare and Fitness

    Download Link

    Shown on the home page for Apple in 'Apps for Working Out', and being touted as one of the top fitness apps by Bright Hub brings high expectations with the download of the Lose It app. But most reviews agree, Lose It is a top 'must-have' for fitness and weight loss. With over 6 million downloads and counting, this little app has become one of the most popular out there.

    This food and exercise tracker helps record calories consumed vs. calories burned by logging food intake and workouts. You log in your age, weight, gender and set goals and the app calculates a daily calorie budget. Lose It is better than a food journal because of its programmed database and ability to create custom food items.

    The app also tracks nutrition by day or week and has charts to show progress. The best part is how Lose It tracks the running tally of calories consumed vs. calories burned on your daily budget. Meaning if you can't live without that dark chocolate nib, you can figure out how long your jog needs to be to work it off.

    How do I use this app with with my Diet-to-Go plan?

    Unless you are on a full 7 day plan, there are going to be days that you need to track your calorie intake even while on a managed plan like Diet-to-Go. Adding your individual Diet-to-Go meals is simple, just use the nutritional information we provide and enter a new menu item on the app. Lose It will do the rest!
    UPDATE: Lose It will be including the Diet-to-Go meal plans in it's next release!

    Lose It! Screenshots:

    Author: Lillie Lancaster

    Apps & Mobile Tools
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